Saturday, May 9, 2020

Back To Trading - Full Time!

Due to the current pandemic (Covid) wrecking havoc to the whole world, and most of the workforce are turning working at home, including this aspiring market trader.

Stop engaging the market September 2017, forced to go back to workforce since not much capital to pursue my trading endeavor for lots of bills and commitment to attend to.

'Fortunately'?, with the on-going crisis everybody is encountering, was ordered to do my regular job at home bringing with me all the office tools (i'm in the field of electrical engineering design) i use in the office. Doing work at home gave me more time to attend to some of my personal business, if i may say so.

Since i can do my work at my own pace, and not much pressure like i used to have in the office. And with the on-going uncertainty everybody is facing these days, weeks, month(s), i decided to find other opportunity to make something at home and to use the extra time that i'm not doing regular work.

At first, was looking for some part time remote job, online business, and whatever to get some cushion and being prepared for whatever scenario might happened, and was frustrated and don't have much clue which one is which.

With further reading and scanning my desk top whenever i have time from my regular home work, i turned to my trading blog and my own trading book i had written - that's where i decide to better pursue my old endeavor - trading the market.

With the lessons, experiences, hundreds of books I've read and purchased, this time i'm ready to go back to my trading.

Will trade the micro futures contract, the MES (S&P), MNQ (Nasdaq), M2K (Rusell) and the Micro Gold (MGC).

I'm back to trading...full time!